Friday, December 11, 2015

The State of My Body

C pointed out that in the past year I have had many different bodies. Pre-pregnancy, I was in good shape. My stomach was flat, my muscles toned, etc. During pregnancy, I was still doing weight training until around week 30, and until week 35, I worked out in the pool. So I maintained my muscle tone and my skin looked great (or so I thought, because after giving birth, suddenly stretch marks were all over my belly!) 

For about four weeks after giving birth, I was quite bloated and round from C section swelling. 

Then suddenly the bloat disappeared and my face became thin again. In clothes, my body looked great. A few weeks later, I looked good in clothes even without a belly

Now, I get compliments all the time when I am out. But, it feels weird to me sometimes because underneath ny clothes, my skin is lumpy from the C section, the linea negra remains, and there is just weird loose skin around my belly. Plus, the stretch marks and general discoloration. Also, I may be super skinny, but I have no ass and some loose flab where muscle tone is lost. 

I haven't bought new clothes even though my breasts are giant and preclude me from wearing many things. I've started working out, generally only 10-20 minutes is what I have time for, but at least it's something. The boys like to watch me work out for a short time. They enjoy stroller time too so I have run a few times while pushing them.

The body will hopefully come back. Not sure about the skin, though. 

1 comment:

  1. I'm also in the no ass/loose skin/look better in clothes camp lol.
